Account Center

Streamster API

The pages referenced below describe how to use the Streamster API to create applications that interface with the Streamster trading platform. Applications using the Streamster API can retrieve various data from the platform, execute and modify orders and positions, and perform a variety of related actions.

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3.3. CancelOrder

CancelOrder cancels an order with a given Order ID. The CancelOrder method has one parameter, an "OrderID" string which specifies the order to be canceled. The CancelOrder method has no return value.

Sample - PHP: The following code cancels an order.


$api = new SoapClient ("",
    array('features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS));

$api -> CancelOrder("Z4AEVG7Z0");


Sample - Visual Basic: The following code cancels an order.

Dim api As StreamsterApi = New StreamsterApi


Send us your comments and any suggestions you might have about the Streamster API. We look forward to receiving your input and improving content on this page to help you utilize the API to its full extent.